Homemade cookies

Spitika koulourakia


  • 200gr butter or margarine
  • 300gr sugar
  • 6 eggs (we use the 4 whites from the other 2 yolks and will use them in the oven before greasing)
  • 1kgr flour for all uses
  • Baikin powder 1 tsp
  • an orange zest
  • 100gr milk (lukewarm)
  • 30gr ammonia (culinary)


  1. Beat with electric mixer the butter with sugar until it whitens and swells.
  2. Add one to one the 4 eggs, 2 egg whites and whisk.
  3. Add 1-2 tablespoons of flour and add the orange zest and baiking powder.
  4. Dissolve ammonia in warm milk, stirring well and quickly because it inflates.
  5. We continue to hit the mix in the mixer adding flour and milk alternately until you finish.
  6. At the end knead by hand until the dough becomes soft and not sticky hands. (may take a little flour)
  7. Mold in what shape we want, place them on a release paper in tray, paste with egg yolks and we hold bake in moderate oven for 20 minutes.

Yolks that we keep on greasing we can dilute with a little water.