Homemade oil cookies

Nistisima ladokouloura

With this recipe can make 3 different kinds of cookies:

Cinnamon flavoured
With sesame seeds


  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1,5 cups sugar
  • 1 sachet baking powder
  • 1,5 kgr all-purpose flour
  • 5 gr vanilla powder
  • 2-3 teaspoons cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cloves powder
  • 1 cup sesame seeds


prepare the dough:

  1. In a pan add the oil, orange juice, sugar and stir well.
  2. Add the flour, the baking powder, the vanilla powder and knead until the dough becomes soft and can not stick to the hands (if it sticks, add some more flour).
  3. Divide the dough into 3 balls and cover them with cooking film.

plain koulourakia:

  1. Take one dough ball and shape your koulourakia in any shape you want.
  2. Place them in a baking paper.
  3. Bake in moderate oven for 15′-20′.

koulourakia kanelas:

  1. Use a bowl, add the second dough ball, cinnamon, cloves powder and knead the dough to get the herbs.
  2. Shape your koulourakia in any shape you want.
  3. Place them in a baking paper.
  4. Bake in moderate oven for 15′-20′.

koulourakia sousamiou:

  1. Shape your koulourakia in any shape you want.
  2. Take a small bowl with water and another one with the sesame seeds.
  3. Take each koulouraki dip in water and then into sesame seeds and place them in a baking paper.
  4. Bake in moderate oven for 15′-20′.