How to desalt cod

Ksalmirisma mpakaliarou

March 25 has been gastronomically combined with fried cod with skordalia. During Lent, the Church allowed believers to eat fish only twice, namely the Annunciation and Palm Sunday.

Greek traditional fried cod with skordalia
Greek traditional mashed potato with garlic sense (skordalia)


  • 1,5 kgr cod, salted


  1. Cut the cod into servings and remove the bones (don’t remove the skin).
  2. In a large bowl add the cod and cover it with fresh cold water and leave it for at least 18-24 hours (overnight) in a safe place on the kitchen counter or in the sink.
  3.  Change water at least 4 times or more (at least every 6 hours). If you don’t change the water several times, your cod will not be properly desalted and will be very salty.