Apricot compote

Kobosta verikoko


  • as much apricots as you want
  • 1kgr water
  • 250gr sugar


  1. Wash the apricots, cut in the middle, remove the kernel and let drain in colander.
  2. Wash with warm lather water the jars, rinse well and let them dry in a fluffy towel.
  3. Place the chopped apricots in jars with care not to leave empty space between them and leave 2cm-3cm gap between the edge of the jar.
  4. Prepare a light syrup with water and sugar, leave it boil for 5 minutes and leave to cool thoroughly.
  5. Add the syrup in the jars with apricots until covered and close well the jars.
  6. If we want to keep in the cupboard you have to can them.
  7. In a pressure cooker put 2cm-3cm water inside and the basket of the pressure cooker.
  8. Put in the jars and close the pressure cooker and select the program for vegetables.
  9. Once you climb up the valve on the selection of vegetables leave there for 6′-7′.
  10. When time ends remove the pressure cooker from the heat and let cool so you can open it.
  11. Remove the jars from the pressure cooker and let them cool.
  12. Now you can keep apricot compote in the cupboard for months.