Apricot spoon sweet

Glyko koutaliou verikoko


  • 30 apricots (nearly ripe)
  • 12 tablespoons lime
  • 1kg sugar
  • 2kgr of water
  • 60 almonds peeled and roasted
  • lemon drops


  1. Wash the apricots and with a knife peel carefully the outside without touching the tip of the stalks in order not to make hole.
  2. Dissolve well lime in water and add the apricots for 3h-4h, stirring often.
  3. Then wash them very well to clean them very well from the lime.
  4. After with a sharp knife, cut the stalk and get a spoon that has flat handle, keep apricot in the handful and push with the spoon the kernel to come out of the bottom side. Be-careful not breaking the apricot.
  5. Put in each hole 2 almonds, wedged and put it in a saucepan.
  6. Pour sugar over and let the whole night.
  7. The other day if there is not enough juice in the sausepan just add half a glass of water and put it to boil for about 1h.
  8. In the last 2′-3′ add the lemon drops.
  9. Close the heat, cover with lid and leave it to cool.
  10. Check the syrup. With a spoon take a little syrup and let a drop fall into a plate. If the drop falls and remains as a drop, then the syrup is ok. Boil again if not.
  11. When cool put in sterilized jars and keep in the fridge.