Baked burgers with baked potatoes

Mpiftekia me patates sto fourno


for burgers

  • 500gr minced meat (pork or beef)
  • 2 slices bread (soaked and squeezed well)
  • 1 onion (chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon parsley
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • Salt, pepper, oregano
  • crumbled toast (optional)

for potatoes

  • 1kgr potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons mustard
  • some water
  • Salt, pepper, oregano
  • 300ml beer


  1. Prepare the potatoes:
    • Peel potatoes, cut them into pieces and wash them.
    • Place them in a large bowl, add salt and pepper, stir and place in a baking pan.
    • In a cup put some water, mustard and oregano and mix until you have a uniform mixture.
    • Pour the mixture into the potatoes and stir to go anywhere.
    • In one corner of the baking pan, add the beer (note: not on top of potatoes because the herbs will go away) shake gently the baking pan so beer goes everywhere.
    • Cover the baking pan with foil and put it to 180oC-200oC until potatoes are half-cooked.
  2. Prepare the burgers:
    • In a bowl, add the minced meat and cut into small pieces by your hands.
    • Add the bread (grated with your hands), the onion, the parsley, the eggs, the vinegar, the salt, the pepper, the oregano and knead well.
    • If the mixture is not stable enough, add as much crumbled toast as needed.
    • Shape the burgers into any shape you want.
  3. When potatoes are half-cooked, mix gently and place on top the burgers.
  4. When burgers are cooked on the one side, turn them to the other side.
  5. When burgers are golden brown on both sides the dinner is ready.

Serve with lemon juice.