Basic omelette recipe

Vasiki syntagi omeletas


  • 2 medium eggs
  • 1/2 teacup milk
  • a pinch of salt
  • pepper
  • turmeric


  1. In a non sticking pan, add some drops of olive oil and let heat well.
  2. In a bowl add the eggs and beat them well.
  3. Add milk, salt, pepper, turmeric and beat well again.
  4. Pure the mixture into the hot pan and low the heat into medium.
  5. After 4 minutes it would be baked from the bottom side (if not give it some more minutes).
  6. Use a marise to flip up down the omelette (or any other technic you like).
  7. Close the heat and leave it for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Your omelette is ready.

This is a basic recipe for omelette.

You can add any other ingredients you like (mushrooms, peppers, ham, cheese, use yiayias recipe….)