Beef with kefalotiri cheese

Moshari me kefalotiri


  • 1kgr soft calf (cut into sliced portions)
  • 2 cloves garlic melted
  • 60gr olive oil
  • 250gr kefalotiri cheese or parmesan or regato (cut into as many pieces as calf portions)
  • 60gr cognac
  • 1 carrot (cut into 3-4 pieces)
  • 1 potato (cut into 3-4 pieces)
  • 1 cup water
  • some salt
  • colorful peppers


  1. Put olive oil in a wide pot to warm up and add the meat to golden brown from all the sides.
  2. Add the garlic, the potato, the carrot, the pepper, the salt and stir.
  3. Add the cognac, stir and wait to evaporate the alcohol.
  4. Add the water, low the heat, cover the pot with the lid and cook for 45 minutes (it might need a little more water).
  5. Remove meat from the pot and place the portions next to each other in a pyrex.
  6. Add a little sauce from the pot and place a piece of cheese in the center of each portion of meat.
  7. Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes at 200oC until cheese melts.
  8. Grind material from the pot to make a velouté sauce and serve with white rice.