Eggplant pie



  • 1 package pastry sheet
  • 1.5 kgr eggplants (pureed in blender)
  • 1/2 kgr onions (pureed in blender)
  • 1/2 kgr tomatoes (pureed in blender)
  • 1/2 cup wine
  • 1/2 cup sour trachana
  • 4-5 eggs
  • 1/2 kgr cheese (grated by hand)
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1 cube beef broth (optional)
  • Salt, pepper, cinnamon (powder), cloves (powder)


  1. Keep a little olive oil to spread the pastry sheets later and saute the onion with the rest of the olive oil until they lightly browned and be soft.
  2. Add the mashed eggplants and cook.
  3. Add the wine and stir until the alcohol evaporates.
  4. Add the tomato, cube beef broth if you want, spices, lower the heat and cook until the juices evaporates.
  5. Remove from heat, add the trachana and stir to drawn the juices and let it cool enough.
  6. Add the eggs lightly beaten, feta cheese and stir gently until it becomes a homogeneous mixture.
  7. Place one pastry sheet on the table, grease it a bit and place some of the eggplant mixture across to the long side, turn inside the left and right side so the mixture to not go out and wrap a roll.
  8. Continue until the mixture and leaves are over.
  9. Grease an oblong baking dish slightly and placed the rolls.
  10. Brush the leaves with a little olive oil on top and sides and bake at 200oC for about 1h until golden.

You may wish to mash the eggplants last moment to avoid to get black.