Greek Easter soup with avgolemono

Magiritsa soup with avgolemono


  • 1 kgr lamb plucks
  • 200 gr lamb inwards
  • 5-6 spring onions (chopped)
  • 1 onion (chopped)
  • 4-5 tablespoon(s) olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic (chopped)
  • 50 gr white wine
  • 1,5 lt water
  • 1 lettuce (chopped)
  • 1/4 bunch dill
  • salt, pepper, oregano
  • avgolemono


  1. Wash and clean very well the lamb plucks and the inwards.
  2. Place a pressure cooker with water over high heat until it boils.
  3. Add the lamb plucks, the inwards let them boil for 10-15 minutes and remove the foam.
  4. Close the pressure cooker and let it cook for about 40-50 minutes.
  5. Let the pressure cooker cool, open and place the meats on a pan to cool (until you can touch them).
  6. Take a kitchen scissor and cut the meats into very small pieces.
  7. In a clear pot saute with olive oil the onions, spring onions and garlic for about 3-4 minutes.
  8. Add the meats, stir gently.
  9. Add the lettuce and stir.
  10. Add the broth that you have from the pressure cooker and add some more water if needed.
  11. Finally add the dill, salt, pepper, oregano, seal with the lid, and boil at medium heat for 20 minutes.
  12. When finish, prepare the avgolemono.

You can skip the avgolemono and add just lemon juice.