Greek tripe soup

Ellinikos patsas soupa


  • 1kgr-1.5kgr ground beef tripe (cleaned) or a large lamb tripe (cleaned)
  • 1kgr beef leg or lamb cleaned (if it is necessary, remove the hair)
  • 1kgr head of beef or 1 large head of lamb
  • Salt and pepper


  • 1/2 head garlic
  • 1 cup wine vinegar
  • In a glass jar chop the garlic, add the vinegar, close the lid and shake to mix.


  1. In a large saucepan add the tripe, the leg, head and cover with water.
  2. When it starts to boil, remove the foam (1-2 times)
  3. Add salt and pepper and cook until the materials get soft – 1.5h (if you choose to use pressure cooker, then it will take 20′-30′).
  4. Remove meats from saucepan and strain the broth to keep it clean.
  5. Pour the broth into a clean saucepan.
  6. Chop the tripe with a scissor, clean the leg and the head from the bones and chop meats with a scissor.
  7. Add the meats to the pot with the broth and boil again for 20′-30′ and is ready to serve.

The meats that you will choose to cook they must be all beef or all lamb. Do not mix meats!

Better served with skordostoumpi and everyone adds as much as he wants on his plate.

If you do not want skordostoumpi you can add fresh lemon juice or vinegar.

If the tripe is from a large lamb (1-2 years) and is not cleaned you can clean it as follows:
Put enough water to warm without boiling and add the ripe for 2′-3′. Scrape the wild part which comes a thin layer of skin and then you have a white tripe. If this thin layer of skin does not leave, add it again on hot water for 2′-3′ and scrape again. Rinse thoroughly with water and it is ready for cooking.