Homemade apricot marmalade

Homemade marmelada verikoko


  • 1,5 kgr sugar
  • 2 kgr ripe apricots, washed and cleaned from the seeds
  • 1/2 lemon (juice)


  1. Take the washed apricots and place them for 2h in a colander to draw the fluids and water from washing.
  2. Then put in a pot, the cover with the half sugar and leave through the night.
  3. In the morning throw away the liquid that have made, add the remaining sugar and boil for 1h-1,5h until marmalade thickens.
    ATTENTION: When it starts boiling, and gets foam, remove it and continue boiling.
  4. Stir frequently and lower the heat to prevent sticking to pot.
  5. In the last 2′-3′ of cooking, add the juice of half lemon.
  6. When cool put in sterilised jars.