Homemade fig spoon sweet

Homemade glyko koutaliou syko


  • 30-35 pieces moderate immature wild figs that come in May
  • 1kgr sugar
  • 30-35 granular mastic of Chios
  • 300ml water
  • 6 drops lemon juice


  1. With a knife peel very gently the figs WITHOUT cutting the stem on top because we need their milk that is inside.
  2. If you want allow 3-4 narrow strips of their skin to be stripped.
  3. With the help of the tip of the knife clean the holes on the underside.
  4. Then place them in a pot with water and boil for 2′-3’and drain the water.
  5. Try a little bitterness out and if not, the boil again in a new water for 2′-3′.
  6. Strain and let entire night in the strainer in order to remove all water.
  7. The next day take the figs one by one and squeeze them gently from top (stem) to bottom, so if there is still water in, to get out from the hole. They might shrivel but will return back later, when put in the syrup.
  8. Then put a granular mastic of Chios in each fig (of the hole) and prepare the syrup.
  9. Place in a pot the water and the sugar and let it boil and thicken a little bit.
  10. Place inside the figs and boil in syrup over low heat for 45′-60′ until the syrup thickens and iont the end add the lemon drops.
  11. Turn off the fire and let it cool.
  12. When cool, with a spoon take a little syrup and leave a drop on a plate. If the drop falls and still remaing as a drop, then syrup is ok. If not just boil again for a little bit.