Homemade lemon liqueur (limoncello)

Homemade liqueur lemoni


  • 8 large lemons (with thick skin)
  • 1lt alcohol (vodka)
  • 700gr sugar
  • 1200gr water


  1. Squeeze lemons and cut the peel into pieces.
  2. In a glass jar, add alcohol and the lemon peel and leave it for 1 week.
  3. Shake the jar every day.
  4. After 1 week, in a saucepan, add the water and the sugar and boil for 2′-3′ to make syrup.
  5. Once the syrup has cooled, over the saucepan put a strainer and tulle and strain the content of the jar.
  6. Mix well and fill glass bottles.
  7. Put it in the refrigerator because it is more tasty when it’s cold and you can drink it after dinner.

Don’t throw away the lemon juice! You can make some lemonade!