Homemade meringue nests

Spitikoi bezethes


  • 2 egg whites
  • 100gr-120gr icing sugar


  1. Beat the egg whites until they become a firm meringue.
  2. Slowly add sugar and continue beating.
  3. In a piping bag, add some of the mixture.
  4. In a pan add baking paper and form “nests” with the piping bag (try to make a hole in the middle with a layer of mixture at the bottom).
  5. Preheat oven at 80oC and bake for 2 hours until dry.
  6. When they are ready remove from the oven and let stand for 30 minutes.
  7. Then add in the “nest” pomegranate sauce and serve.

Do not try to cook at higher temperatures for less time because it will burn and get a yellow-brown color.

If you choose to add in the “nest” pomegranate sauce would be good to add just before serving and not left for many days because the sauce is liquid.

You might also add into the “nest” a jam.