Pie with pasta



  • 1 package for sheet cake
  • 1/2 kgr cooked spaghetti No. 3 aldente
  • 500gr feta crumbled by hand
  • 150gr margarine or butter at room temperature
  • 1kgr milk
  • 8 eggs
  • olive oil to spread


Prepare the filling

  1. In a large bowl put the pasta (well drained) and add the feta.
  2. Beat eggs in a bowl and add them in the large bowl.
  3. Add milk, butter and mix. The filling is ready.

Make the pie

  1. Grease a pan with some olive oil to prevent sticking our pie and poured the half sheets greasing them one by one and leave to protrude from the pan.
  2. Add the filling and poured on top the other sheets (hold 1) and the grease them in the same way as above.
  3. Turn inward in the pan sheets protruding out and add the last sheets on top and whatever left over the cut with a knife.
  4. Put some olive oil on top.
  5. Make 3-4 holes with a knife to leave the air.
  6. Bake in oven at 200oC for 1h.