Quick dessert with vanilla cream and pomegranate sauce

Glurogo glyko me krema vanillia kai latsa rodiou


  • 10 hard biscuits (digestive)
  • 5 tablespoons melted butter
  • quick pastry cream
  • pomegranate sauce


  1. Prepare the pastry cream and let it cool.
  2. In a blender grate the cookies.
  3. Put the cookies in a bowl and add one by one tablespoon of butter until the biscuits get slightly wet.
  4. In a glass make a layer of biscuits, a layer of pastry cream and put it in the refrigerator to freeze the cream.
  5. Before serving, add pomegranate sauce.

It takes about 2 cookies for each glass and 1 tablespoon butter for 2 grated biscuits.

It would be better to add pomegranate sauce before serving because if you leave it too long on top of the cream, it will dilute.