Sun-dried tomatoes

Liastes ntomates

The end of summer is a good time to get tomatoes and with a little preparation, to keep them for the whole winter making sun-dried tomatoes to cook special meals.


  • 3-4 kg of tomatoes or any quantity you wish (prefer pomondoro type tomatoes, which do not have many seeds and liquids, alternatively choose classic tomatoes, medium size, tight).
  • coarse salt
  • tulle
  • sterile jars for storage


  1. Cut the tomatoes in half by removing their stalks and spread them in pans.
  2. Sprinkle the tomatoes with plenty of coarse salt.
  3. Cover the tomatoes with tulle to keep insects away.
  4. Leave the tomatoes in a place facing the sun (at night you pick them indoors in a place without humidity)
  5. Repeat for 1 week or more, depending on how sunny the place you leave them, the tomatoes should have no trace of moisture, so as not to mold later.

Check the tomatoes and if they are completely dry, they should be as flexible as a skin, if they have hardened more, this is not a problem, they may just need soaking in water before using them!

If you do not have a sunny area in your home, you can dry them in the oven at 60 ° C Celsius in the operation of the fan heater for about 3-4 hours or as needed.
Leave the tomatoes for 12 hours, keeping them away from moisture, before storing them.


How to save
Collect the dried tomatoes, store them in sterilized jars and store them in a dry, dark cupboard or even better in the refrigerator.

Sun-dried tomatoes in Olive Oil
If you want, you can collect them in jars and cover them with olive oil so they will always be soft and ready to use! Keep them in the refrigerator.