Homemade strawberry marmalade

Homemade marmelada fraoula


  • 1kgr strawberries
  • 400gr sugar
  • 3 drops of lemon


  1. Wash and clean strawberries.
  2. Cut strawberries into small cubes and put them in a saucepan.
  3. Add the sugar and let it boil over medium heat.
  4. Stir frequently and remove the foam.
  5. When you remove all the foam, add the lemon drops, continue cooking (about 20′-30′) and don’t forget to stir frequently in case to not stick on the saucepan.
  6. When the syrup thickens, take a little syrup with a spoon and let a drop to fall on a plate.
  7. If the drop do not spread, the marmalade is ready. Remove from the heat and let it cool.
  8. Put the marmalade into sterile jars and keep in the closet.
  9. When you open the jar keep it in the refrigerator.