Pie with pumpkin



  • 1 package for sheet cake
  • 2 cups pumpkin or zucchini, grated dry and rigged to leave fluids
  • 600gr Feta
  • 4.5 eggs
  • 60gr warm milk
  • 2-3 tablespoons of wheat
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • pepper, salt


  1. In a bowl add the wheat and milk and let it rise.
  2. Ointment a pan with some olive oil to prevent sticking our cake and poured the 3 sheets lubricating the one-one from the top hand as we lay and leave to protrude from the pan.
  3. In a bowl rub the slice.
  4. In another bowl Beat the eggs (like scrambled eggs), add the zucchini, pepper in wheat with milk and mix well.
  5. Add some olive oil and mix again.
  6. Add a little slice from the bowl in a pan and add package. (a)
  7. Add a little of the stuffing and we made xanaprosthetoume sheet. (b)
  8. Continue steps a and b until you finish our INGREDIENTS and keep 2 cards.
  9. We turn inward in the pan leaves protruding out and add the last leaf on top and whatever left over the cut with a knife.
  10. We put some olive oil on top and 3.4 points in the hole with a knife to leave the air.
  11. Bake in oven at 200oC for 1h.